The Wolfpark and the wolves living here

Informationen über den Park

Ehemalige Rudel

360° Panorama Tour - Spring
(Take a online walk trough the park)


Ehemalige Rudel

Rebuilding the park


Ehemalige Rudel

360° Panorama Tour- Winter
(Take a online walk trough the park)


New Video "above" the Wolfspark
(HD-Quality 178MB - 3Min)


There are 23 wolves living in the park at the moment. There are 7 enclosures in the park and one separated enclosure where Werner Freund and his team raise up puppies from time to time.

There are several sites about the diffrent packs. It is written in German but it should help you to get an overview about the park.

Zu den Wolfsfamilien

Zu den kanadischen Wölfen im Wolfspark Werner Freund

Area A - The Timberwolves

Zu den mongolischen Wölfen

Area B - The Mongolian Wolves

Zu den schwedischen Wölfen

Area C - The Swedish Wolves

Zum ehemaligen Rudel - den sibirischen Wölfen

Area D (empty)

Zu den arktischen Wölfen von 2005

Area E - The Arctic wolves of 2005

Zu den arktischen Wölfen von 2009

Area F -The Arctiv wolves of 2009

Zu den arktischen Wölfen 2009 und 2011

Area G The Artic wolves of 09 & 11

Ehemalige Rudel

Former packs of the Park




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